Financial Assistance

There is an option to get a loan through client’s gas providers - EFS Loan helps clients to get a loan for their insulation project and clients will make payments with their gas bill. Interest depends on credit score.
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Green Attic Financial Assistance

The Illinois On-Bill Energy Efficiency Loan Program

The Illinois Energy Loan Program is designed to encourage the installation of high efficiency measures to increase the energy efficiency of your home.
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The Illinois Energy Efficiency Loan Program allows utility customers like you to:

• Pay for improvements through a monthly loan charge on your utility bill
• Decrease your energy consumption
• Reduce your utility bills
• Increase the comfort and value of your home
• Improve the indoor air quality of your home
• Make your home more resilient against the impacts of climate change, like extreme high and low temperatures and more pollutants in the air
The Illinois Energy Efficiency Loan Program
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The Illinois Energy Efficiency Loan Program is brought to you by these participating gas and electric utilities:

The payment will be send to the contractor and not the client so the client needs to approve the quote to move forward with the loan

Need Assistance with a Payment Plan?
We require 50% down payment for your project, with no credit check and a 0% interest rate.

Call us now for additional information on financing your project.
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Clients must show proof of two months payment of Electric Bill Contact us for more information 847-929-9492
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50% Deposit down
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No Credit Check
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0% Interest Rate